
Setting Up Libraries in Ukhrul

Wondering what this place in the pictures is? These are pictures from Ukhrul district in Manipur – a place which our books have found homes in now.

In July 2016, the Library initiative of Library for All (LfA) was set up. LfA works for tribal children in hilly district of Manipur. LfA sets up or revives libraries in government schools and makes libraries a space for active learning. Its program reaches children in elementary grades.

The month of August was when Yasin Khan, co-founder, started a Donate-a-Book campaign to raise funds for books to add to libraries across Ukhrul district. 700+ books were generously donated by our community to this campaign. Yasin shares a report from the libraries :

Plan for the books received :

We keep the books in the library or in the classes where there is no library space. With these books we do library activities such as read alouds, story telling sessions, lending of books. Improving their reading and comprehension skill is one objective apart from building a reading habit culture in the schools.

Arrival of books :
Children were very excited to see the books they have never seen. I found many children started reading seriously on the first  day itself as if they have been reading since before. Everyone is quite happy to see the books in their schools. But the number of books is less to serve all the children. So, we need to get more for them.

Experience on Donate-a-Book:

It was my first experience of running a crowd funding in my life. It was a great learning for me for the future marketing I will be doing for similar purpose. What I like was the ‘I could say to potential donors that we don’t want money directly, you buy us books – which is what we need, and from where you can buy books is at donateabooks.org.in. This was an easier means to build trust between donors and me’.

Read aloud session in progress
A book in every child’s hand 🙂
Busy bookworm

Books make us happy!

Shhhh. Bookworms at work

R is for Reading!
When our books found their friends in Ukhrul
The first Library for All campaign did not get fully funded in its first attempt and Yasin has restarted his campaign to fundraise for the remaining books. Now that you have seen how books are making a difference in Ukhrul, will you send some book love to the kids there?


Help more children like the kids in Ukhrul find their favourite books by making a small donation on Donate-a-Book. Donate-a-Book is an initiative by Pratham Books to help bridge the gap between those who want to help children read and those who need books for children. 

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