
What do Bears Dream of?

When we first shared details about the ‘Mumtaz Embroiders her Dreams’ contest, we heard a big (but friendly) growl from the forest and we found out that a lovely creature we knew wanted to participate in this contest. Who was this creature? Well, it was none other than our favourite bear, Karadi the bear (Pssst: Don’t worry kids, Karadi is not competing with you. He was just excited to share his world of dreams in this guest blog post). Thank you Karadi! You can also follow Karadi’s adventures by following his blog.

So, what do bears dream of?
Karadi says:
Well, I dream of stories. I dream of stories being told, I dream of our imaginations soaring together and meeting secretly behind clouds and laughing at the foolishness of storyless lives. I dream of dreams that come alive in the simple act of a story being told. I dream of books, each smelling of untold stories and unread lines. I dream of poetry that comes to me in the middle of the night, weaving itself into my sleep. I dream of words that dance and sing and laugh and play hopscotch, words that are perfect and imperfect, words that hurt and words that heal. I dream of pictures that tell different stories every time I look at them. I dream of music and mirth and madness. I dream of endless beginnings and beginningless endings. I dream of magic and, yes, I dream of wickedness. And sometimes, I dream of all our dreams holding each other close, coming together in the grand untold story that we may never understand.

Is that too large a dream?

If you have a dream to share, participate in the ‘Mumtaz Embroiders her Dreams’ contest and tell Karadi and the world about it. You can read about the dreams submitted by other children here.

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