
Reminder : Send Us Your Applications for the ‘Library-in-a-classroom’ Grant

Illustration : Jasjyot Singh Hans

Pratham Books invites applications from NGOs interested in receiving a unique product called ‘Library-in-a-classroom’.

The ‘Library-in-a-classroom’ kit from Pratham Books is available with books in the following languages only : Telugu/Kannada /Marathi / Urdu / Hindi and can be chosen in the ratio of 70 : 30 for primary language (mother tongue) to secondary language.

Read the application guidelines here.
There are 2 ways to file your application.
1. Fill in the google form and submit your application online.
2. Download the application form and email or post it to us.

  • Important Dates : 
    Last day of application
    June 30th
    List of final beneficiaries to be announced by
    August 8th
    Despatch of libraries to start by
    August 20th

 25,000 colourful books are waiting. Hurry up !

(P.S – this poster was done pro-bono by Jasjyot Singh Hans. Thanks Jasjyot! Check out his work at http://ultichhatri.blogspot.com/)


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