
Register for TEDxBangaloreChange

The TEDxBangaloreChange event’s focus this year is ‘Positive Disruption’


Disruption is usually unwelcome. It represents conflict, chaos, and potential danger. We discourage disruptive behavior in our homes and our societies, often favoring passivity and compliance. But disruption can be a positive – sometimes vital – catalyst for change. It can challenge old assumptions, ignite conversations, activate authorities and expose new possibilities. Disruption can shed a unique light on difficult issues, giving a fresh urgency and perspective to the challenges of our global community. To solve the most intractable challenges in health and development, we need positive disruption. It is the path to true progress.


The speakers for the event are :
Rukmini Banerji (Head, ASER Centre) – Education and Policy
V. Ravichandar (Chairman, Feedback Consulting) – Urban Renewal 

Sean Blagsvedt (Founder, Babajob.com) -Social and Job Networks for the Poor; 
GK Jayaram (Founder, Institute of Leadership & Institutional Development) – Leadership and Mentorship
Srikanth Nadhamuni (CEO, Khosla Labs) – Technology and Governance


4th April, 2013

TEDxBangaloreChange is an invitee only event with very limited seats. If you’d like to attend, head to the site and register for the event.

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