
A New Year and a Year Full of Possibilities

2011 has just begun and we are highly excited about what this year holds in store for us. We’ve been brainstorming about different ideas on how to reach more children, how to make our books available on different platforms and more (You will hear of all these plans soon. Stay tuned!).
Today is the first working day of the year and there’s been a buzz of activity in our office – big boxes of books being prepared to be shipped to several places, getting a call from someone who wanted to donate some money to buy books for underprivileged kids, hearing the laughter of the kids at the anganwadi being run at our office premises, reading sample copies of the books we plan to print this year, getting more of our Creative Commons licensed content ready….and chomping on chocolate as we do all of this! Looks like this year is going to be better than the last year.
We wish you a Happy New Year – a year loaded with fun, surprises, laughter, chocolate, books, happiness, and a whole lot of magic!
– The Pratham Books team

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