
Lama Mani Books – Launch of Two Books for Kids

Aravinda wrote in to inform us about the 3-day multimedia exhibition taking place between 26th-28th June, 2009. The exhibition is taking place at 1shanthi road and is being organized by Think Tibet which is working on a project that marks 50 years of Tibetans in exile.

Lama Mani Books was started as a tribute to the story tellers of yore. Their first two books are part of a series called Meyul – which is the opposite of homeland – a place that is not one’s home. There are two titles –
  • Dorje’s Holiday at the Gyenso Khang which is set in the old age home at Mundgod (the oldest old age home in exile)
  • Dolma Visits the City – which is set amongst the sweater sellers who come to Bangalore
The books have been illustrated by a Tibetan artist Chime Tashi and written by Aravinda A. There is some more information on the project here.

Update : There is a small change in the programme. The launch and release of the two titles is on the 26th and not on the 27th as mentioned in the poster.


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