
Free Books for NGOs

Last week, we posted a blog post which mentioned that Pearson Education was giving away 75,000 textbooks for free. We later learned that they received a tremendous response and the books were booked by several NGOs in just 3 days.

Today, we received a mail from Praveen Dev from Pearson Education…and there is good news! They have more books to give away to NGOs.

So, if you are interested, please place your request (put down the number of copies of each title that you want). It would be easier for Pearson Education to process the request if you take at least 3,000 (three thousand copies) in all.

Also note that these books are absolutely free and they are not charging even the transportation costs.

Pearson Education will be closing this tomorrow evening (21st May, 2010). Kindly send in your request as quickly as possible. They will be processing requests on a first-come-first-serve basis.

You can mail Praveen Dev : [email protected]
Please CC Rejendra Mandal : [email protected]

Note from Pearson Education: NGOs who are already getting books from us should refrain from applying this time.

The books that are currently available are as follows :

2 Sl.No. ISBN Title Physical stock
3 1 9788177582154 GLIMPSES OF THE WORLD CB 8(3)CD 77
4 2 9788131718247 New Seasons Literature Reader 8 (NBSE) 218
5 3 9788177582093 GLIMPSES OF THE WORLD WB 7(2) 233
6 4 9788177583397 LOG IN BOOK 4 (NE EDN) 294
7 5 9788129707512 LOG IN BOOK 8 (NE EDN) 299
8 6 9788131712153 Introducing Geography 3 329
9 7 9788177583403 LOG IN BOOK 5 (NE EDN) 341
10 8 9788131712177 Introducing Geography 5 390
11 9 9788131713273 Business Studies 441
12 10 9788177582086 GLIMPSES OF THE WORLD WB 8(3) 441
13 11 9788131707326 LOG IN BOOK 7 (NE EDN) 533
14 12 9788131712160 Introducing Geography 4 956
15 13 9788131707470 LONGMAN ELT GUIDE XII 981
16 14 9788131707463 LONGMAN ELT GUIDE XI 990
17 15 9788177583373 LOG IN BOOK 2 (NE EDN) 1026
18 16 9788177583380 LOG IN BOOK 3 (NE EDN) 1049
19 17 9788177583366 LOG IN BOOK 1 (NE EDN) 1198
20 18 9788177582079 ECONOMICS 1362
22 20 9788131708972 LOG IN BOOK 9 (NBSE) 3627
23 21 9788131718667 English for Class 10 (NBSE) 4011
24 22 9788131718704 ENGLISH FOR CLASS 9 (NBSE)-REVISED EDN 14271

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