
Bookie Woogie

Bookie Woogie is a children’s book review blog which includes the entire family in the process of reading.

Welcome to Bookie Woogie, a children’s book review blog by three kids and their dad.

What makes Bookie Woogie different from other review blogs?
Well, instead of hearing what grown-ups think about books for kids, you’ll hear from some kids themselves. You’ll see how these particular three kids’ minds work… what elements they pick up on… what parts of a story are important to them.

A snippet from BookieWoogie:

Lily: The waves were wanting to splash the girl because she stuck out her tongue.
Gracie: There was a lot of splashing. The waves were getting bigger!
Isaac: It was like, Uh oh – that’s not going to be good!
Gracie: The waves were HUGE! OH MY GOODNESS! Too big to fit on the page!
Dad: …then – Crash!

Join them as they discover a book and put up a post every Monday. And you MUST keep a lookout for the adorable drawings produced by each kid that is inspired by the books they read.

Also read “Children’s Books Reviewed by Children


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