
Pratham Books and Teach For India join hands to spread the joy of reading!

Image source: Pratham Books

 Pratham Books has partnered with Teach for India (TFI) to put together a special library package for all their fellows across the country. Currently TFI is active in 5 cities, 443 classrooms and has managed to impact the lives of 16,200 children.We hope to raise libraries for each classroom. The library kit contains a modular storage unit and 100 books.  Pledges start at Rs. 1000 and a pledge for Rs. 5000 pledge will help kick-start one library.

The pledges are open till 7th December 2012. These kits will be handed over to the TFI fellows as Christmas gifts for the classrooms. If you have a favourite TFI fellow or want to help any particular TFI fellow you can choose the library you want to pledge to.

To take the pledge all you need to do is fill the online form and transfer the funds online as per the given details. For any further queries email [email protected]

Click here to  pledge now and help us spread the joy of reading!


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