
Who is Ameena? Enter Our Illustration Contest Now!

Here’s your chance to illustrate a book for Pratham Books’ StoryWeaver and get paid for it!

Some of us look at the word “tree” and doodle this:

And others conjure up something like this:

(Illustration by Archana Sreenivasan from ‘Let’s Go Seed Collecting’)

or this:

(Illustration by Vinayak Varma from ‘Jadav and the Tree Place’)

If you belong to the second category, then this contest is right up your alley!

Who is Ameena?

We have got a fabulous story coming up – ‘What is Ameena Upto?’, written by Roopa Banerjee. It is a charming story about a girl called Ameena and the antics she gets up to when her family isn’t looking. We know Ameena is a mischievous little girl with a big imagination. But what does she look like? What does her family and her home look like? All of that is up to you! This is your chance to illustrate a children’s book for Pratham Books StoryWeaver!

Here is an extract from the story ‘What is Ameena Upto?’

Everyone’s wondering what Ameena is up to on a sleepy Sunday afternoon. After all, where did the coconut shell, the paint, the buttons, and newspaper go?

What you have to do

We want you to draw Ameena! Upload your illustration on StoryWeaver by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page. Then send us a brief note at storyweaver@prathambooks.org telling us your vision and how you would illustrate this story. (You must send the vision note, otherwise your entry will not be considered valid.)

The contest will be judged by award-winning illustrator, art director, writer, editor and overall publishing rockstar, Vinayak Varma. If we like your Ameena and vision the most, you will be chosen to sign a contract with us. You will get two months to illustrate the whole book, which will be published by Pratham Books on StoryWeaver. And yes, it’s a paid contract.

This is a Level 1 story, which is for children who are eager to begin reading. This is how pages of level 1 books look:

(From ‘What If?’, written and illustrated by Hari Kumar Nair)

Contest Guidelines

  • The contest will run from August 9-23, 2017.
  • Please send your illustration notes to storyweaver@prathambooks.org.
  • Participants must be over the age of 17 to participate.
  • By submitting your original art work to ‘Who is Ameena?’ you are agreeing to a CC-BY license being applied to it (This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation). To know more about CC-BY, click here.


  • Size of illustration: 11.17 inches (width) x 5.35 inches (height). This is the recommended size as it fits neatly into one of the templates on StoryWeaver. 
  • The illustrations should be high-res (150-300 dpi).
  • Format: JPEG
  • File size for each illustration: Between 2 to 4 MB; above 4 MB will slow down the upload process

For any queries, write to us at storyweaver@prathambooks.org!


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