
What Does it Take to Print Half a Million Books at Pratham Books?

For a few months now, we’ve been silently working hard on a BIG project we were invited to participate in. Pratham Books is thrilled to finally announce that we were content partners for the launch of ChildFund India‘s ‘Books, my Friends‘ campaign. 

“Books, my friends” is a new campaign to help marginalised children aged 6-14 improve their learning abilities by discovering the joy of reading at an early age. It is about helping them read and learn better in a fun and enjoyable way through the many pleasures books can offer them.

So, what was the Pratham Books team doing?
  • Our fundraising team charted out how we could be part of this lovely campaign.
  • To offer the best possible choices from our available titles, our content team was busy burning midnight oil – choosing books, preparing them, translating them. The team added 120 titles in 3 additional languages to have enough variety in each language. ?We had books in 4 reading levels and 8 languages going to 14 states across India. 
  • The slogan, look of the reading campaign and nearly 6 lakh book marks, was designed by the Pratham Books in-house team. The illustrations used for the campaign are by Jasjyot Singh Hans (from our book ‘Tall, Taller, Tallest’). 
  • Our design and production team was busy spending their time at the printers to make sure there was a smooth amd uninterrupted supply of books reaching the warehouse. 
  • Our warehouse was converted into a ‘book adda’ of sorts for a few weeks. We even had to hire extra people to help us sort out the volume of books reaching our godown. With the books in hand, the execution team got into action – making book sets, sorting books, working long hours (sometimes even at nights) to make sure our books reached the kids on time.
  • After the distribution of books, Pratham Books will also hold a pan India training programme for all CFI partners – to make best use of our books.
Take a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at what we were upto:

Manisha (head of content team) inspecting the books
Mukesh keeping a hawk’s eye on our books at the printers
The books get prepared
Books waiting to be sorted and packed 
The highly efficient execution team in action
More packing and sorting of books
Almost there! Waiting to be sent off 
Phew…and the books are off!

The ‘Books, my Friends‘ campaign was launched on 10th December, 2014 at the ChildFund India office in Bangalore and inaugurated by Anil Kumble. 

 More on the event in tomorrow’s post 🙂


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