
The Champions Blog : Inspiring Stories from the Field

It has been one month since we’ve celebrated International Literacy Day. This year 600+ champions joined us to conduct 1000+ storytelling in their communities. Their inspiring stories have been pouring in and we’ve been updating them on the champions blog. From champions who enjoyed their time so much that they went on to conduct more storytelling sessions. Some of them wanted to buy more books for the kids. Paplu got new avataars through activities and was also translated into new languages. Our books reached new places and the celebrations continue as we read and share every post that champions have shared with us.
All these stories are up on the Champions blog. Please visit the blog and subscribe to receive posts of inspiring stories from the field!
Till now, the blog has documented stories of 172 champions who’ve conducted 189 storytelling sessions. And there are many more to come. 
You can also view the pictures from the storytelling sessions here and here.
If you are on Google+, you can view the latest stories and pictures we post by adding us to your circles.
And for all the champions, here’s a little note from the author of the book : Ramendra Kumar ….

Thanks Champs! Thanks Pratham Books! 

Paplu, the Giant, written by me and illustrated by Zainab Tambawalla was selected for story telling sessions to mark the International Literacy Day, by its publisher Pratham Books. 

On 7th September more than 1000 story telling sessions were held in more than 25 languages in 27 states across the country as well as abroad. The languages included Chinese, Tibetan, Portugese, Nagamese, Mizo, Sanskrit and even sign language. Paplu reached out to kids in Canada, USA, Nepal, Brazil, Latvia, Singapore and Mozambique. 

Come September 7, and the Champions who had conducted the storytelling sessions started sharing the news about their events. What started as a trickle, soon turned into a deluge of mirth, madness, magic and masti. Tale telling, histrionics, art, craft, puppetry, sprinkled liberally with dollops of creativity made each event an endearing and enduring experience. 

Every slice of news increased the surge of adrenalin and soon I was bursting at the seams with pride, happiness and joy, a la Paplu minus of course the magic mantra. 

I would like to thank each and every champion who made Paplu’s tryst with children unforgettable. 

I would like to thank Paplu for happening to me and most of all I would like to thank Pratham Books for making Paplu happen to me.


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