
Summer Fun at the Planetarium

The previous post was about ‘The Garden of Music‘ event taking place in Bangalore. To keep your young ones busy this summer, you can also let them experience the joy of reading by sending them to some of the book nooks in Bangalore. Or send them across to the Jawaharal Nehru Planetarium.

This summer, the planetarium is hosting several events throughout the month of April and May. Some of the programmes we found interesting are:
a) Tiny-Tots Programme:
This is a ten day science camp for students of classes III to V, that includes simple science demonstrations, model making, origami and field trips. The activities are moderated through discussions by the resource persons. The second batch of the programme commences on April 15 and ends on April 28.

b) Science Camp:
This is a ten day long science camp for students of classes VI to X. Students of classes VI and VII comprise the junior batch and students of classes VIII – X form the senior batch. Students are taught the basics of science through demonstrations, lectures and laboratory activities. Experiments are conducted on a variety of topics like optics, sound and mechanics. The first batch commences on April 15 and ends on April 28.

c) Summer Course for school students:
This is about fortnight long programme for students of classes VIII to X. These are intensive programmes consisting theory classes, laboratory and computer sessions, demonstrations, film shows and visits to laboratories of research institutes. About forty sessions on the theme “Patterns in Nature” have been scheduled. Experts from various institutes give lectures to these students. This programme commences on April 16 and ends on May 7.

You can find more details about the other programmes here. You can also visit their website here.

Image Source: Powru


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