
Schools That Care Conference

Are you going for the Schools That Care conference? Our editor, Mala Kumar, will be speaking about the ‘Joys of Reading’ on Day 3 of conference.

In July 2017, The Teacher Foundation brings to you a conference with a national presence and an international perspective. It’s Schools that Care (STC 2017), celebrating 15 years of dedicated work in making schools enabling environments for students. The conference will also present the findings of TTF’s 5 years of research aimed at developing a framework of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning (SSEL) for Indian schools. 

Pastoral care and its elements of empathy, sensitivity, positive regard for the child are often given short shrift in the race by schools and parents for rote-based academic achievement and marks. In the long run what gets sacrificed are students’ human capacities for compassion, courage, joy, generosity, grit, resilience and relationships. The repercussions of this are already evident in an increasingly intolerant, angry & divided world. 

Schools have a moral imperative for providing an education that prepares all students to handle life’s challenges with a sense of personal and collective integrity. 

Schools that Care (STC) 2017 is a conference with a difference. Since schools exist for young people, this conference includes them as prominent and powerful voices! STC 2017 promises to be a confluence of minds, hearts and hands – both young & old. It’s an opportunity for discussion, dialogue and debate amongst school leaders, teachers, researchers and students.

Find more details about the conference here. The conference is from 13 to 15 July, 2017 at the JN Tata Auditorium, Bangalore.

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