
Paulo Coelho Institute

Via Paulo Coelho

I would like also to bring your attention to 430 children that need our help. The PAULO COELHO Institute is a non-profit-making institution financed exclusively by the author’s royalties. The main idea is not to be a charity, but to give opportunities to the underprivileged and ostracized members of Brazilian society. Thus, the Institute concentrates its funds on:

a) Children
b) The elderly

At present, the PAULO COELHO Institute provides financial support to Creche Escola Meninos da Luz, Lar Paulo de Tarso (in the Pavão-Pavãozinho favela, Rio de Janeiro), that looks after these 430 children. In 1996 we started with 80 children, and we could go up to this number, but it is not easy.

More information here.

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