
Novel way to save water….one drop at a time

We’re delighted to
share this story about our author Aabid Surti with you today, which
happens to be World Water Day. We know this mulit-faceted man as the
person who retold the popular Gijubhai stories for Pratham Books. 
But that he is also a tireless and unique water crusader is news to us.
“Aabid Surti is an odd character. A few years ago, the angular,
bearded author was invited to meet the President of India to receive
a national award for literature at a ceremony in the capital, New
Delhi. He politely declined. Absorbed in writing the first draft of
his new novel, he cited the reason that he did not have time. But
what he has made time for every Sunday for seven years now, is going
door-to-door in Mira Road, a non-descript suburb of Mumbai, with a
plumber in tow, asking residents if they need their tap fixed for

As a distinguished Indian painter and author, Aabid has written
around 80 books but no story so moved him as the truth about water
scarcity on the planet. “I read an interview of the former UN chief
Boutros Boutros Ghali,” he recalls, “who said that by 2025 more
than 40 countries are expected to experience water crisis. I
remembered my childhood in a ghetto fighting for each bucket of
water. I knew that shortage of water is the end of civilized life.”
Read the entire article
here, written so lovingly by the equally multi-faceted Aalif. If you would like to read the Gijubhai books in Kannada or Marathi, do look up our store here.

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