
Magazines and Periodicals for Young Readers

Via Scholars without Borders

Frederick Noronha votary of the CopyLeft movement has put together a list of books/magazines/periodicals that are of interest for younger readers and for those who teach them. The list below comes with no particular endorsements and is only meant to facilitate subscriptions and give some basic information.

Since the list is quite obviously incomplete (and may have some errors), please feel free to add the names of any magazines or perioidicals of this type that are produced in India so that a comprehensive list can be constructed… Thanks!

Here goes:


India’s exclusive magazine for high schoolers.

A children’s magazine that has adapted itself to the changing needs of children over across decades, English Chandamama offers you a delectable mix of the classic and the contemporary in 72 pages. New sections include Sports, Technology, Contemporary, and Activities. Revamped. Redesigned. Relevant. [Age group- 9+].

Children’s World
A monthly since March 1972, publishes stories features, comics, puzzles, poems, quizzes, activities, book reviews, and articles of topical interest.

For Children. Size: Large Size (As in News Magazines) No of pages : 48 plus cover Age Group: 9 to 15.

Find the entire list and more information here.


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