
Joi Ito’s FreeSouls

BoingBoing has an articles on Joi Ito’s book ‘FreeSouls‘ which has photos of people he knows through the free culture/copyfight movement.

For years, Joi has travelled the world, photographing the activists, creators, inventors, hackers and entrepreneurs he’s met. Noticing that many of these people had very poor portraits in their Wikipedia entries and learning that this was because professional portraits almost always have some licensing restrictions, Joi assembled his remarkable photos into a book and online repository, licensing the whole thing Creative Commons Attribution. Although the photos can be had for free, Joi’s publisher has assembled an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous book (in a limited edition of 1024 copies!) that includes a stirring intro by Larry Lessig and essays from Yochai Benkler, Isaac Mao, Howard Rheingold, me and Marko Ahtisaari.

Read the entire article here. Visit the FreeSouls website.
Image Source: FreeSouls


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