
Grants for Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries

Via FundsforNGOs.org

The Elsevier Foundation is inviting proposals under its 2009 Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries. The program provides support to libraries in developing countries for adding scientific, technical and medical information. The program supports projects such as digitization of the library information, knowledge preservation, training and education for librarians and researchers and long-term partnerships between developed and developing countries for technical assistance and training. Projects should preferably be innovative, have the potential to generate impact in the society and demonstrate sound sustainability. The Foundation provides grants up to US $5,000 – 50,000 for one-year projects as well as for multi-year projects. Proposals can be submitted by email, mail or fax. The last date for submitting the completed proposals is 9 August 2009. For more information, visit this link.

Image Source : charityshopper (via The Visual Dictionary)


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