


  • Display of carefully selected titles of children’s book including coloring books, graded readings, stories from different states of India, activity books, reference books for teachers
  • Resource material for teaching science and maths
  • Math Lab display
  • Special category of books displayed in Hindi
  • Release of new titles of Eklavya Publication

Date:- 26 November – 5 December

Venue:- Jodogyan Resource centre, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Delhi
Time:- 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(For details of the programme, please click here)

Kalpaneya Yatre 2010 (KY) is a first-of-its-kind ten-day astronomy fest open to the public, taking place at the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore, during November 26 – December 5, 2010.

Astronomy-based exhibits and models, sky watching, interactive experiments, activity corners, face-to-face interactions with astrophysicists, lectures, films, and art activities for children are among the many offerings available at KY. The exhibition is in Kannada and English.

KY is a collaboration of the Bangalore Association for Science Education, Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Indian Space Research Organisation, and Raman Research Institute.

Join the festival by visiting the exhibition and by participating in activities – listen to a lecture, watch a film, and peer through a telescope.

One of the goals of KY is to showcase new topics in astrophysics while promoting the process of basic scientific thinking. It is in interdisciplinary and collaborative event for astronomers, educators, amateurs, students, families, and everyone.

Visit the website for more details. You can view the calendar of events here.


Via an email received from Vibha Batra
(Please click on the image for a larger view)
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Literary Club is pleased to announce the ASM Lit Festival 2010: Rabindranath Tagore, a three-day festival celebrating the life and work of Rabindranath Tagore in the 150th birth anniversary year of the Nobel Laureate.
As part of its programme to promote the literary arts, the Literary Club proposes to organize an annual festival, honouring eminent writers who have contributed to India’s literary heritage. This year the Literary Club honoursRabindranath Tagore through a series of events from December 3 to 5, 2010, which will include lectures, a documentary film, a panel discussion and dance-drama.
Rabindranath Tagore put India on the literary map of the world when he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. A multi-faceted personality, Tagore was an exceptional poet, composer, educationist, painter, and reformer. Through the medium of this festival we hope to give people a glimpse into the genius of one of India’s most celebrated personalities.
For further information and to register for the festival, please write to: [email protected] or
call 9920781009.
5. IDiscoveri Xseed “School of Tomorrow” Conference
School of Tomorrow is now in its second edition this year and is slated to be the biggest confluence of education leaders in this part of world. This is an uncommon opportunity to reach the people who perhaps influence the future of our children the most. The conference seeks for these leaders to engage in a high – quality dialogue with thought leaders from all walks of life and thereby create a momentum for progressive change in school education.

Date: December 7th, 2010
Venues – The conference will be simultaneously held across four cities and seamlessly integrated through a webcast .
Delhi – Taj Palace
Chennai – Taj Coramandel
Hyderabad – Taj Krishna
Mumbai – Taj Lands End
View more details here. Read about the speakers here and you can register for the event here.

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