
Bookalore’s Folklore Mela

BOOKALORE invites you to its April mega-event : FOLKLORE MELA

Date: Saturday, April 20
Time: 10.30am -12.30pm
Venue: Army Public School, Kamaraj Road, Bangalore

More details of the five different sessions for classes 1-5 are in the invite.

Please note:
– These sessions take place simultaneously so each child can attend only one session based on the class she/he will be entering this year. So if your child will be going to Class-1 when school reopens after summer vacation, she/he should attend the Class-1 session
– Given the large number of children present at this event, it will not be possible for parents to stay with their children during the event.
– There is a lovely bookstore on the premises and parents are invited to browse through the books while they wait for their children.
– All children are required to bring pen/pencil, note-pad, crayons or colour pencils, a pair of craft scissors and a glue-stickwith them in order to participate in the activities.

Admission is FREE but registration to the event in the attached form is necessary.

We are extremely thrilled to see that three of our books (The man who thought he was smarter than his wife, The Quirquincho and the fox, Wailers Three) will be part of the storytelling session conducted by Vidya Mani, Greystroke and Veena Seshadri (Class 4 activity).

(Please click on the image for a larger view)

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