
Book Launch : Just Like a Bug

Via an email sent by Scholastic India

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Are Ants Creepy? Ana thinks so, but Zain and Ana have a new friend called Gopi, who thinks they are wonderful. Gopi loves bugs, butterflies and insects of all kinds. Which is how he comes to the attention of Dr Behram Dhongy, the famous bug man.Zain and Ana tell Gopi to stay away from the sinister giant Dr D, but Dr D is in search of something, and he desperately needs Gopi . . .
Featuring a mysterious bug-man, an anthill and a whole lot of slimy, creepy creatures, the third book in the Zain and Ana series will intrigue and delight Anushka Ravishankar’s fans.
Date : 8th August, 2012
Time : 4pm onwards
Venuw : Oxford Bookstore, Cha Bar, 17 Park Street, Kolkata

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