
15 Days, 1500 Books : International Book Giving Day

Illustration by Marianne Dubuc

14th February is Valentine’s Day. But did you know that it is also International Book Giving Day

International Book Giving Day’s focus is on encouraging people worldwide to give a book to a child on February 14th.
Pratham Books wants to take it a step further and raise funds for 1500 books in 15 days! Impossible? 
Well, possible only if YOU are with us!
Login to Donate-a-Book, find a campaign of your choice and for as little as Rs.500/- donate a set of books to a child. Celebrate the ‘love’ for reading with us!
*If you are trying to make a donation from outside India, please email donateabook(at)prathambooks(dot)org with details of the campaign you want to donate to.

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