
The Champions Programme : Back with a Bigger Bang! Join the Celebrations!!

We are back with the Champions programme! And it is going to be BIGGER and BETTER!
The idea behind the campaign
The idea is to encourage children to fall in love with reading. This initiative is part of the Pratham Books’ Champions program where we encourage our community of volunteers to use one book to conduct reading sessions. These sessions are conducted free of cost and mostly with children from under-served communities.
The quality of these sessions have been outstanding and last year 250+ champions shared one story with thousands of children across India. We continue to celebrate the joy of reading around International Literacy Day. This year’s event is scheduled for 7th September, 2013
This year, we want:
1. More champions to participate
2. More regions reached
3. Storytelling sessions in all 22 official languages listed in the Constitution of India. 
We hope that these storytelling sessions will also brings to light the issues of joyful reading, access and multilingual publishing.

The book we’ve chosen for this year’s campaign is ‘Paplu, the Giant’. (Author : Ramendra Kumar, Illustrator : Zainab Tambawalla).
So, how does this work? 
Fill in the form. A copy of the chosen book and a banner will be sent by the Pratham Books team. You are free to choose the place and time you want to conduct the session. You can also conduct other activities that you think may go with the theme of the book.
After the session, send us a short write-up or send us some photos from the event and we will feature it on the champions blog
FILL IN THE FORM and be a Pratham Books Champion! (Update : we aren’t shipping out books anymore, but you can download the PDF after filling this form)

Note : For logisitical reasons, we can’t ship books to international destinations, but we will be able to share the PDF of the book with any international volunteers.
If you have any queries, please mail web(at)prathambooks(dot)org BEFORE filling in the form.
You can read last year’s champion stories at : http://champions.prathambooks.org

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will the book be sent for free or does the champion pay for it?
Answer : The book is sent to you for free.

2. Does the champion have to find the venue?
Answer : Yes. Identify places where you can conduct this event in your city – A government school, an NGO, a library, a bookstore, a park, a train, your building…any place with regular kids footfalls. Approach the organization and explain the concept to them. Most of them will be happy to host you.

3. This is the first time I am conducting an event. How should I prepare for it?
Answer : Read the book a few times. If you are reading to a younger age-group, see how you can tell the story without actually reading the book (to retain their attention). Think of activities that you can do after the storytelling to engage the children (example : can the story take on a skit form, can the story be a way to talk about an important issue, etc).

4. Can i conduct multiple events?
Answer : Definitely!!! The aim is to reach as many kids as possible. We’ve had champions who’ve conducted 2-3 sessions on the main day and then gone on to conduct sessions on other days too.

5. Should I document the event?
Answer : We expect all our Champions to send us some documentation about the event conducted by them. They can send us mini videos, pictures or a write-up on the event which will tell us [and the whole wide world] on the “real impact” made. (P.S- all the images in this post are of actual storytelling sessions conducted by our awesome champions).


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