
Mumbai hosts the second NGO Asia Expo Conference & Exhibition.

Image source: ngoasiaexpo.com

The 2nd NGO Asia Expo Conference & Exhibition for NGO’S (Non-Governmental Organizations) & Not for Profit Organizations on the theme “Sustainable Societies; Responsive Citizens” and the Role of NGO’s” will be hosted in Mumbai, India.

The NGO Asia Expo is a unique platform where representatives of NGOs meet, examine issues of global concern, share ideas, practice and build partnerships. Together with leaders from the inter-governmental, governmental, corporations and for-profit sectors the participants’ map and plan strategies to address the challenges. Professional experts add practical trainings to help the NGOs become more effective in carrying out their message and mission.

NGO Asia Expo is an ideal podium for every organization to increase awareness about their social efforts and initiatives and a network opportunity with over 200 participants from multi-disciplinary backgrounds engaged in social practice. This is the perfect platform to portray the work of an organization to the various corporations and establish tie-ups with them.  This event is a part of CSR Live Week, where India’s strongest socially responsible brands and corporations come together to showcase their CSR efforts and Sustainable Business practices.

With talks and discussions from some of the best speakers, this is an event that should not be missed. So come and be a part of The NGO Asia Expo Conference and Exhibition on the 20th and 21st November 2012 at the Expo Centre, Wold Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai.

To know more click here.


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