
Aviva Young Scholar Bookaroo Festival – Children’s Literature Festival 2009

It is that time of the year again…. It is Bookaroo time!!! For those of you who have been following our blog for some time, you may remember the posts we had on the Bookaroo festival last year (If not, here goes : 1, 2, 3, 4).

Via Bookaroo

Bookaroo promotes book related events working in tandem with internationally renowned writers, illustrators, story tellers, theatre people, publishers, editors and schools.

The second Bookaroo festival of children’s literature will take place in the last week of November and will be an annual event for the children and booklovers of the NCR region of Delhi.

The venue for the festival is Sanskriti Anand Gram and there are sooooooooooooooooo many events happening at the festival. Keep the 28th and 29th of November free for your kids and yourself and travel to the land of books and magic at the Aviva Young Scholar Bookaroo Festival.

The events Pratham Books is conducting on 29th November 2009 include:

12.00 – 12.45 The Emperor’s New Clothes Swagata Sen Pillai (Hindi)
Listen to this old favourite in a new avatar in Hindi verse.
Ages 8-12 Think Tank

12.30 -13.00 Fun with Samira Bharti Jagannathan
What will Samira get up to next?
Ages 4-6 Banyan Tree

13.30 – 14.30 Meet the Phantom of the Snows Pranav Trivedi (Hindi/English)
Pre-registration required
The elusive and beautiful snow leopard’s story lures you into a wild and snowy mountain world where man and beast must learn to live in harmony.
Ages 11-14 The Workshop

More details on the festival can be found here.

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