
We Speak German Now!

Tra la la la la..
Wir sprechen Deutsch jetzt
(Google Translate helped me translate ‘we speak German now’. So, if it is wrong, it is not my fault 🙂 ).
Two of our Creative Commons licensed books have been translated into German. A big thank you to Gautam Seshadri and Karthik Kalyanaraman for translating our books.
You can now read Annual Haircut Day and The Moon and the Cap in German (translated by Gautam Seshadri).
Read Annual Haircut Day in German (translated by Karthik Kalyanaraman).
We are uploading all the derivations created by our community here. So, if you are looking for a Spanish, French or Assamese version, you can find it here. And if you have translated one of our books to a language we haven’t published in yet, we would love to hear from you (please email us at web(at)prathambooks(dot)org ).

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