
Unleash Your Creativity With the Retell, Remix and Rejoice Contest

Update : The contest deadline has been extended to 22nd May, 2016.

Today is World Storytelling Day and we are launching the 5th edition of the Retell, Remix and Rejoice contest. This year’s contest is heading to a new playground – the StoryWeaver platform– and it is easier than before to create your own masterpiece! 
Last year we received 99 stories from our community and we can’t wait to see what stories you are going to craft on our new platform this year. Adults or children – we welcome all storytellers. Join us to celebrate the storyteller in you.

Here’s what you need to do:
Choose from the curated set of images here, remix & re-tell in your own way and submit a brand new story.
Be creative, be original, be wacky! (Click here to find the detailed instructions on how to create a story on StoryWeaver)
The first-prize winner gets a printed, laid-out version of their winning story. 

If you need a little inspiration, take a look at the sample story written by our editor Mala Kumar – ‘Can You Smile When You Snore‘. 
(Did you know that one of the submissions to our contest even got selected, tweaked and published by another publisher. Awesome right?)
Contest guidelines
  • There are two categories: Adults (over 16) and children (under 16).
  • Entries can be in English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada or Tamil.
  • You are free to submit* multiple stories.
  • The contest deadline has been extended to 22nd May, 2016
  • Results will be announced on our website, blog and social media handles.
  • Got any queries? Email us at [email protected].
*By submitting your work, you are agreeing to a “Creative Commons – Attribution license” (CC-BY 4.0) being applied to it. While we encourage participation from all countries, prizes shall be couriered only within India.
Good luck everyone! Happy remixing!

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