
Tweeting Update

A quick update from our Twitter account..
@TheBookseller started a Twitter experiment asking people from the book industry on Twitter to send them a tweet about themselves. In return they retweeted (shared) the replies to their followers. This experiment of theirs helped us meet many interesting people on Twitter. If you belong to the book industry, send them a message and meet other like minded people. And if you are on Twitter, come say hi to us too.

Send in a picture of your child’s bookshelf to the “Around the World in 100 Bookshelves” project and win a set of multicultural books.

@thecreativepenn shared a lovely quote with her followers:
“What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers ~ Logan Pearsall Smith”
She also led us to this article: Amazon’s Physical vs. Digital Dissonance
We giggled when we clicked on @storybird‘s link to Onno Knuvers illustration. He created a sweet and funny illustration to show off his dad’s awesome hair styles over the last six decades and gifted it on his sixtieth birthday.
Kids may want to participate in the ‘Power of Poetry‘ for students in grades nine through twelve. They can also take part in the ‘Students Taking Charge Video Contest’ and tell the world how their high school makes it easy for students to be healthy! You could also send in your entry for John Siddique’s workshop on night poems. @Livejournal_ind informed us about an online magazine called Kinaara calling for submissions.

We revisited our blog archives to look at “Meet the Marks” – an e-book on punctuation and typography. We also blogged about a ‘Catcher in the Rye’ sequel. @TheBookseller had news on Salinger’s lawyers looking into Rye sequel.

We are hiring! Do send us our resume if your profile fits any of the positions.
Image Source: Paris Hair


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