
The What on Earth? Wallbook Goes Dancing

Rajesh Kharwrites about a dance performance that is inspired by our recently released book – The What on Earth? Wallbook

Every year 29th of April is celebrated as the World Dance Day and for past 8 years, Swagata Pillai’s institution, KINKINI DHVANI has been celebrating it as Dvividharpan which means a two-fold offering. So, apart from Bharatanatyam, other classical, folk, contemporary dance forms are also performed on this day. Keeping in view the true spirit behind the concept of the World Dance Day, Swagata has been experimenting with presentations to make them inclusive both in terms of form as well as content. Over the years, her institution has celebrated the day with a wide variety of classical items of different dance forms, folk dances from various regions in India, pieces from classical literature, poetry of well known Hindi poetesses and many contemporary theme. She has also been encouraging parents of her students to dance on this occasion and they have been responding in good numbers.
This time, along with the items from the classical Bharatanatyam repertoire and folk, a special presentation based on What On Earth?Wallbook, a unique book published by Pratham Books, will be part of the dance evening. This 28 minute presentation has a Hindi narration and is supported by a very interesting soundscape. A group of dancers will lead the audiences through the story of birth of the planet Earth and evolution of man. Swagata has been fascinated by the ‘Wallbook’ created by Christopher Lloyd ever since Pratham Books launched its Indian edition in January this year. As a skilled choreographer, she wished to portray it through dance. This performance is the just the beginning. Swagata hopes to present the entire ‘Wallbook’ -from the Big Bang to the present times in a single dance show soon.
All are welcome to the show. Entry is free.

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