
Sister, Sister, When is World Science Day?

Recently, I was up in the clouds. Sitting behind me in the aircraft was a little girl obviously on her first flight. She bombarded her father with questions,loudly. And he answered patiently, and too softly for me to get the answers. I had a question which I did not voice: the bales of clouds below us seemed almost stationary, while the ones above us seemed to be zipping fast. Why?

Does any one have answers to this? What better way to celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development, celebrated each year on 10 November. UNESCO has announced that the theme of this year’s World Science Day for Peace and Development focuses on the role of science, ‘Towards green societies: equity, inclusiveness, participation’.

Books nurture inquisitiveness and new thought. Our ever-popular Sister, Sister books in the Science series are for ever going off the shelf (do try the ones in languages other than English). Check out Laxman’s Questions(encourages curiosity), A King Cobra’s Summer( shows biodiversity),Narmada and Cauvery (both bring out the role of rivers in our lives) and just feel free to browse through the range at our e-store!

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  1. Roopa Pai November 10, 2011

    Yayyy! Sister, Sister flying off the shelves? Really? So happy! Thanks, Pratham Books!


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