
Round Up

The faculty of Harvard Law School has unanimously approved a motion for open access: articles will be made freely available in an online repository. With the success of this motion, Harvard Law becomes the first law school to make an institutional commitment to open access to its faculty’s scholarly publications. (via BB)

It seems a debate is brewing in the “Wikipedia-sphere” surrounding the commercialization and the soon-to-be-made profit from the voluntarily written and edited online encyclopedia web site. For the first time, a major publisher has made plans to print out and sell popular articles from the site, leaving many wondering if the content’s writers are being scammed out of royalties to which they are due. (via RRW)

Venkat developed an interesting visualization that shows how various pieces of “2.0” literature fit together to form a cohesive view of the world to come. Read his full explanation. (via Wikinomics)

Help PSFK create a collaborative image book.They’ll choose the photos on May 30 and the book should be ready for everyone to buy mid-June.

If PSFK uses your shot (and commentary), they will reference you and add a link to your site, if you provide it and if they sell more that 30 copies of At Play, they will send you a free copy of the book too.

And what is ‘At Play’? You show tell us.

More details on submissions here.


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