
Priya Nair Panicker Makes a ‘Chilli’ Mistake for the #6FrameStoryChallenge

Those of you who are following the Facebook event for the #6FrameStoryChallenge know that we promised to share Priya Nair Panicker’s six frame story today. We are going to jump into Priya’s cartoony world today.

About the challenge, Priya says :

So a friend sent me this link and I thought, wordless frames using just six words! WOW finally! THIS is my cup of tea, surely I can’t go wrong with this.. little did I know I’d end up making a Chilli mistake.!” 

Update : Priya sent us her second story too

When we asked Priya a little more about herself, this is what she had to say :  “There are people who can write lovely inspiring literature and then there are those who can paint so beautifully you want to pack your bags and go live in their paintings! I am neither. I am a cartoonist! It’s easy! Short, barely there sentences and badly drawn humans. Sometimes animals, but they don’t complain!”. You can follow her work on Facebook or through her website.  

The deadline to submit your work for the #6FrameStoryChallenge is 30th January, 2015. Hurry! More details here.

Meanwhile, JOIN the Facebook event for regular updates on the challenge. We promise you a daily dose of magic :).

Also read the other interviews by illustrators who took the challenge:

Megha Vishwanath


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