
Pratham Books at the Jaipur Literature Festival

Like we have already mentioned, the Jaipur Literature Festival is on from the 21-25 January, 2009. If any of you are attending, do come and visit our stall.

Pratham Books is a not-for-profit trust that seeks to publish high-quality books for children at a affordable cost in multiple Indian languages. Pratham Books is trying to create a shift in the paradigm for publishing children’s books in India. The low cost model proves that children’s literature can be attractive and affordable and therefore more accessible. Learn more at www.prathambooks.org.


  1. Anonymous January 23, 2009

    I did visit your stall at the Jaipur Literature Festival.These are good books.

  2. Gautam January 23, 2009

    Hi Karan! Thanks for dropping by…


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