
Opening Up a New World of Stories With iPad Apps

The current issue of OPEN magazine features iPad applications like the ones Fliplog has developed with our books and how these apps are opening up a world of books for Indian children across the world.

Via OPEN Magazine

Brij Singh, the founder and CEO of Apptility, a software start-up based in Bangalore, didn’t wonder why Jobs made the iPad. Like any Apple-believer, Singh just went ahead and devised answers. Here was an easy-to-hold little tablet, with a visually-astounding 9.7 inch visual platform that made it perfect – he thought – for loading story books for kids. Stories that could be seen and listened to in different languages within a lively and entertaining soundscape. It would help kids, like his own three- and six-year-orl girls, who’d come back from America and needed to learn and speak Hindi and more. “I’m a north Indian and my wife is a Tamil speaker,” he says, “We love Pratham Books for their bilingual approach.” All Daddy needed to do was figure out how to iPad these storybooks in English, Hindi and other languages (something that sounds much easier than it is).

On 3 April, the day iPad was launched in America, Singh introduced Chand ka Tohfa, the first Pratham book online for free, via an e-reader, fliplog.com. Within two weeks, Annual Haircut Day was ready for download.

Free for anyone to download, this concept dovetails with Pratham’s mission: put a book in every child’s hands. “Our social publishing strategy is to foster a participatory culture and this iPad app allows us to reach new children,” says Gautam John, director, new projects, at Pratham.
Read the entire article on Page 58 in Open Magazine’s current issue. If you have an iPad/iPhone, you can get our books Chand ka Tofah and Annual Haircut Day by clicking on the links. Our content is also available on Android devices. And for those who don’t have any of these fancy gadgets, fret not because we have some of our content on our Scribd account too. Pssst: All for FREE!

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