
Kindle Scout – Amazon’s Crowdsourced Publishing Platform

Amazon’s crowdsourced publishing venture Kindle Scout went live last week. So, what is in store for readers and authors?

First they dominated the book industry; now retailing giant Amazon is increasing its investment in the publishing sphere, by outsourcing its selection process to readers through Kindle Scout, a self-publishing crowdsourcing venture solely for its Kindle e-reader.

KindleWould-be authors can now submit their novels to Kindle Scout for readers to peruse, who can then vote whether or not Amazon’s e-book publishing company, Kindle Press, should publish them as e-books.
The first few pages of prospective titles – up to 5,000 words, according to Amazon – will sit on Kindle Scout for 30 days, during which time readers can nominate up to three books they want to see published in full.
At the end of the month, Kindle Scout staff will consider the top nominated books and make the final call on which of the selected titles will be published.
The successful authors will receive “five year renewable terms, a $1,500 advance, 50 percent eBook royalty rate, easy rights reversions and featured Amazon marketing”. If a book does not make a profit of $25,000 in the first five years, Amazon guarantees it will return full rights to the author upon request.
Readers who vote for a winning book will receive a free copy to encourage future sales through reviews.

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