
Indicorps Fellowship : House of Books

Via Indicorps

In 1990, 30 youth from various colleges in Chandigarh started a newspaper named Yuvsatta, which means youth power. The newspaper evolved into an organization (registered in 1996) that steers young people towards voluntary individual & community action.

Today, Yuvsatta is primarily a volunteer-run organization with a permanent staff of 20.

Need for Project:
To encourage holistic development of the children living in Bapu Dham, Yuvsatta started a volunteer-run library. Yuvsatta procured several hundred books with the help of funds raised by volunteers of ‘Be the Cause‘, ‘Children’s Suitcase Library’ and members of Yuvsatta. Books available vary from story books to animation series, books on basic science, computers and spoken English. Children have to pay a nominal fee of Rs.10 for membership to ensure ownership and responsibility from their side. Kitab Ghar currently has 300 members.

As an August 2010 Indicorps Fellow, you will infuse the Kitab Ghar with energy and make it a popular hub for the community. There are three different layers to this project.

Popularizing Kitab Ghar:
You will need to think of creative ways to increase the Kitab Ghar traffic. Poetry recitals, literary events, book readings, and cultural performances could make Kitab Ghar a vibrant hub of community activity. You can also conduct focused theme weeks with poster competitions, debates, guest speakers and documentary screenings. Book fairs, discussion groups, and family memberships could all attract more members to the Kitab Ghar.

Tuition Program:
You will strengthen and expand the existing English and math tuition program being conducted at Kitab Ghar. At present, 40-50 children attend these tuition classes. However, classes are not formally structured and attendance is irregular.

Volunteer Program:
You will manage the current volunteer system as well as recruit and engage more volunteers at Kitab Ghar. This could begin with an understanding of the number of existing volunteers and their reasons for staying connected. Understanding what drives them will help you devise an outreach mechanism that draws other like-minded citizens to the fold.

Read more here and read about Yuvsatta here.

(Thanks for sending us this link Chintan! Click here to go to the ‘People in Education‘ facebook page that Chintan manages)

Image Source : The Advocacy Project


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