
Free Books from Concord Free Press

Free Books!Image by kelownabc via Flickr

Via the 26th Story the story of the Concord Free Press:

We Publish Books and Give Them Away for Free

We’re dedicated to a different kind of publishing, one that connects readers and their communities in new ways. We’re interested in expanding the definition of publishing and re-invigorating the book, which isn’t dead yet, by the way.

No matter who published them or how good they are, most books go on a familiar trajectory—new, used, shelved permanently, dusty. Ours keep going from hand to hand, generating donations along the way. Readers are generally good people. We give them a chance to get great books for free—and make contributions to organizations and individuals right in their own community, wherever that may be.

From our global headquarters in West Concord, Massachusetts, high above (well, we’re on the second floor) the mighty Nashoba Brook (a creek, actually), we’re creating books that connect reading and giving like never before.

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