
Find Our Books at the Akshardhara Book Fairs

Akshardhara is conducting book fairs in 6 towns in Maharashtra. So, if you are in any of these places, you know when you get your hands on our books.

2 June – 26 June : Aurangabad – Balwant Vachnalaya,Aurangpura

2 June – 29 June : Jalgao – V.Va.Vachnalaya,Station Road

8 June – 26 June : Latur – Shri. Shivchatrapati Vachanalaya,Town Hall
1 July – 31 July : Nashik – Sarvjanik Vachanalaya, Tilak Path
7 July – 29 July : Karad – Yashwantrao Chavan smrutisadan,Town Hall
1 Aug-30 Aug : Kolhapur – Ra.Shahu smarak Bhavan

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