
Choosing an Open License via @p2pu

The good folks over at Peer 2 Peer University, where learning is for everyone, by everyone and about almost anything, have put together a fantastic document that catalogs their decision making process and provides a map, of sorts, to choosing from amongst the myriad choices of open licenses that exist. To quote:

With this in mind, we undertook a lengthy, eye-opening, passionate and fascinating (and deeply modest) process to try and choose the right kind of open licence us – to be applied to (almost) all P2PU materials. The result was a decision that was taken by as many members of the community as was possible at the time, with advice from some pretty experienced and wise experts. In the end, we chose a Creative Commons, Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 licence. (For content that is entirely funded by a third party we are happy to go with CC BY 3.0 as well.)

As we went through the process, we also realised that our experiences may be useful for other people who are undergoing a similar exercises. So we decided to document what we did, and why, and how it turned out. And today, we are proud to announce the publication of our Guide to Choosing an Open Licence (with a CC licence, of course!) In this document, you’ll find details of every step we took to choose our licence, and a range of opinions from several open educators, lawyers and practitioners which we found invaluable.

If choosing a license is something that you are currently engaged in or might engage in, I strongly recommend you read this file and, ideally, follow a similar exercise withing your organization.

Jane, over at the Creative Commons blog, says:

The P2PU experience is only one of many, and it is not necessarily the process or the license that everyone should choose. It is simply one example of a process that worked for a diverse community of people with various viewpoints. … The document is thorough, objective, helpful, and not very long–so make sure to check it out, especially if you’re wondering how to go about choosing a CC license for your own project. 

On Twitter, the P2PU folks are @sharingnicely @houshuang and @p2pu


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