
Calling Illustrators for a book about the Internet

Calling all talented, whacky illustrators! Pratham Books has just begun work on a manuscript that explains the Internet to young readers. If you are an illustrator who can explain scientific facts with the help of joyful illustrations, and would like to create illustrations to make this children’s book incredibly appealing, please read further to see what you need to do:

1. Read the synopsis given below.

2. Write to [email protected] to ask for an excerpt. Please mention ‘Internet-Illustrator’ in the subject line.

3. Send us two samples to illustrate two different aspects of the story – one sketch and one coloured sample within 15 days from the time we send you the excerpt.

4. Please also send a portfolio of your work along with the samples.

5. Illustrations must be original. Illustrators must be comfortable with the idea that we may release these illustrations under the Creative Commons license.

6. After the editorial team approves your portfolio and samples, the selected illustrator will be given a paginated script which will give an idea of the number of illustrations needed.
The most suitable illustrator will be commissioned by Pratham Books for this book and will be paid our regular illustrator fee. Once selected, the illustrator will work with our editors and give us finished illustrations in 2-3 months.
Like all our books, Pratham Books will publish the story in several languages, and will also release it under the Creative Commons licence so that the book reaches millions of readers – in fact, to every child who has access directly or indirectly to the worldwide web. Do read about the magic that Creative Commons allows here.
Once the illustrations are done, Pratham Books will also be calling for translators in many languages to collaborate on this project. Internet helping the ‘Internet book’!
So sharpen your pencils – here is your chance to make a hit with kids in the Wonderful Worldwide Web!

Synopsis: How is the Intenet able to find so much information for us in just a jiffy? How is it able to give us pictures, show us games, and make us play with just a click? Little Nettikutti has many of these answers. Read this book to learn about this amazing web.

Image Source: Illustration by Angie & Upesh for “Happy Maths Series’.

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