
Audio Books Catching on in India?

Deeptaman Mukherjee writing over at WATBlog makes the case that “Indians are ‘Hearing’ Audiobooks, Slowly And Steadily”:

Talk about new trends & unseen competition, Audibooks seem to be the catching on. An Audiobook or audio book is a recording of a text being read. It is not compulsorily meant to be an exact audio version of a book or magazine. The best feature that an Audiobook possesses is the ability to connect to people who are into multi-tasking at most of the things in life. With the modern day hectic lifestyle lived by most of the Indian populace, Audiobooks will just seem to rise on top of the Product Life-Cycle curve. 

Audibooks seem to be in the infant stage, but the children seem to have already caught hold of it. I guess, the first to be translated would be the famous novels & story books; but the trend would sooner than later catch up for business related information as well. Quite the same thoughts have also been expressed by Abhilash R., Business Development Head of AudioBooksIndia when he stated, “Audiobooks are more effective than other type of books. The listener feels connected and the learning and understanding is more in an audiobook than a normal book.

Click to read the full piece.

What do you think? Are audio books an idea whose time has come in India? Is that a good thing for reading? How can audio books complement reading?


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