
AFCC Call for Papers!

Via Singapore Book Council

The Asian Festival of Children’s Content 2014
30 May to 4 June 2014, Singapore
AFCC is calling for papers. Children’s writers, illustrators, preschool & primary school educators, publishers, librarians, literary agents, distributors, retailers, translators, and other media professionals are invited to take part in AFCC through innovative presentations for our four conferences: the Preschool and Primary Teachers Congress, the Parents Forum, the Writers and Illustrators Conference, and the Media Summit.
We are looking for new insights on trends, observations, and developments in the field of children’s content with proposed sessions that will be useful to AFCC attendees and encourage discussion. AFCC is a conference for creative professionals, publishing industry professionals, and media industry professionals, not an academic conference, and all proposals should be targeted accordingly. Your one-page proposal should reach us by 19 August 2013.
  • Topic: related to Asian content for children
Click here for more details.

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