
Reminder of How Creative Commons Licenses Give Our Books Wings

Vidya Balasubramanyam shares a list of ten free online read alouds in Indian languages. We are delighted to see that 5 of the books on the list are our books – in different avataars and remixes. A great reminder of how Creative Commons licenses allow our books to travel. Listen/watch the books and don’t forget to try your hand at the activities Vidya has suggested too.

Via The Alternative

Takloo, The Little Salt Seller

A story that is rich in descriptions, this audio experience also has visual and tactile elements to engage the mind of younger readers- born out of their own imaginations st imulated by the words and the nuances of voice-modulated narration. It is written by Radhika Bapat and narrated by Radio Mirchi. 
Follow-up Activity: Make your own little lemonade stand to earn some money to fill up your piggy bank.
Samira’s Awful Lunch

This audiobook is a creative take on the “be grateful for what you have” life lesson. Authored by Bharati Jagannathan and narrated by Radio Mirchi, this is a very relatable story for kids who complain about their lunches. The story also takes them through interesting conversations with other animals about the lunches that they eat.
Follow-up activity: Ask your child to observe what else in nature is lunch for insects, birds, and small animals.
Muchkund and his Sweet Tooth
Listen to the story in Hindi on the Dadi Nani podcast.
What do bears, bees and blossoms have to do with a little boy’s craving for sweets? Listen to this fun story by Madhav Gadgil about Muchkund and his interaction with the building blocks of the natural world.
Follow-up activity: Pick any one scene from the story, and draw it out on paper.

Vayu, the Wind

This simple story written by Madhuri Pai and narrated by Shilpa B. Desai is a lesson to appreciate the things that are not in the spotlight, but which are important nevertheless.
Follow-up Activity: Encourage your tiny tot to come up with other examples of unseen and unsung heroes. Find a way to thank these people by making colourful greeting cards so that they feel appreciated.
Too Much Noise

This is the story of Sringeri Srinivas who is irritated by all the noise on the highway on the way of the cattle fair. Written by Noni and narrated by Radio Mirchi, this story is about how he finds a way to cope with all the loud noise.
Follow-up activity: Bring about a discussion about the difference between sound and noise. Help them come up with a list of things they hear everyday and determine what is noise and what is sound.
Find the entire list here.
A big shout out to Mirchi Cares (Radio Mirchi), BookBox and the Dadi Nani podcast for the lovely remixes of our books.

Also, Pratham Books has released MANY books under Creative Commons licenses. Free to read, share and download


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