
Read to Play Contest

Earlier this week, we launched the #PBSummerReads campaign. #PBSummerReads means one book for every day of the summery May. Every day we upload a book on this Facebook album and link to all the languages the book is present in.

But what could make this summery campaign more exciting? Reading doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Add your dose of fun, mazza and creativity by sharing an activity idea related to any of the chosen books. Not only will you aid another parent/educator/storyteller with an awesome idea, you also stand a chance of winning book hampers.

 2 book packs to win every week! 

How does this work?
1. Read books from the #PBSummerReads list. Visit this album to see the books.
2. Choose book/books that you love3. Suggest an activity that is linked to the book. You can either leave a comment under the book image on Facebook or send your activity idea through this form.
4. You can send in as many activity ideas as you want!
5. Best activities of the week win a book hamper

Get started and tell us your maha awesome activity idea!

*book hampers can only be sent to an Indian address.


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