
Multiple Ideas From A Word Wishlist : Paneendra Suresh’s Submissions for the #6FrameStoryChallenge

We received two diverse stories for the #6FrameStoryChallenge from the studio of Paneendra Suresh. The story of a singing bear took us to a dreamy world while just the name of the second story had us smiling.
On why Paneendra took the challenge (and submitted two stories): 

The experience with the story challenge has been awesome, especially the chequered box with the words gives me ideas to think about myriad stories.

(Paneendra Suresh became a full time illustrator 2 months ago. Before this, he used to work with design and e-learning firms for 2 years. You can follow his work constantly at – https://rantconstant.wordpress.com/)

The deadline to submit your work for the #6FrameStoryChallenge is 30th January, 2015. Hurry! More details here.
Also read the other interviews by illustrators who took the challenge:

Sweta Roy Choudhury


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