
Looking for Pratham Books Champions

Children Reading Pratham Books and Akshara

Hello hello!
We are looking for Pratham Books Champions! What do Pratham Books Champions do? They spread the joy of reading and give wings to stories.
For International Girl Child Day, we had many people from different places volunteer to become a champion. You can read about their wonderful experiences here.
As the International Year of the Forest draws to a close, we have launched the “Awareness Today for a Greener Tomorrow” campaign. As part of the campaign we have organised an exciting relay of events throughout December to spread awareness for a greener world.
One of the events is the launch of our book “A King Cobra’s Summer’ on 17th December. It is for this event that we are seeking champions from every state of the country to join us for a storytelling sessions in their state/ city. How wonderful will it be if we can achieve this: one day, one book, and thousands of children enjoying the same book!
Please mail us for more details. Send us a mail at web(at)prathambooks(dot)org if you are interested in becoming a Pratham Books Champion.

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