
Jungle Brew

Pratham Books conducted 4 events during the main festival days of Bookaroo 2010. Manisha Chaudhry writes about the event ‘Jungle Brew’.
Sunday, 28th Nov, 2010 dawned bright and early for Tanya Luther Agarwal, the author of our new title “Jungle Brew”. So bright and so early that she drove half way across the city to Sanskriti Kendra, Anandgram where Bookaroo was held until last year! Fortunately for us, she did notice that it looked toooo deserted for Bookaroo and called me from there. The time was 10.30 am and she was scheduled to address children at 11 am at IGNCA, Janpath which is in the heart of Delhi next to the India Gate.
After our jabberwocky exchange on the phone, she did not take her foot off the accelerator until she reached the correct venue.
We were ready with packets of tulsi, elaichi and tea leaves to welcome her and the children. She read from the story and was ably assisted by three young audience members. Soon, we were delighted to welcome the Bookaroo star attraction, Anthony Horowitz in our midst!
Tanya paused to talk to the children to ask them how they resolved conflicts similar to those in the book where three jungles were locked in a battle of smells and sounds! Then all of us rubbed tulsi, elaichi and tea leaves on our palms and enjoyed the lovely aroma of cooperation and masala chai as a cosy session drew to a close.
When I met Tanya later, she informed me that the Festival Bookstore had run out of copies of Jungle Brew. No better measure of success for our event and for our book.
View images from all the Bookaroo events here.

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