
WanderMonster : A Father and Son’s Collaborative Drawing and Writing Project

If you are looking at starting a collaborative drawing and writing project with your kids, WanderMonster may throw up a few ideas.

WanderMonster is a project of Rob Kimmel Design.

Every day of school, from kindergarten through second grade, I have sent my son off with a sticky note fixed to the inside lid of his lunchbox. Each of these little pieces of colored paper bears a half-completed drawing and a half-written story. I anxiously await picking him up after school to see how he finishes these miniature comics.

Via Get Daddy Some Gin

How did the Wander Monster project come about? Why did you want to do it?

We’ve always drawn together, playing games like “exquisite corpse” and collaborating on pages in sketchbooks. A lot of subway rides have flown by quickly as we drew in my moleskine together. The Lunch Posts started when Ben was first learning simple reading and counting skills back in kindergarten. I would stick a Post It in his lunch box with a drawing of, say, three flying saucers and put a line where he’d have to fill in the number “3? or I’d draw a lion and write “L I _ N” for him to complete. As he outgrew that and became a more and more solid reader, the lunchbox drawings kept pace with him.

Read the entire article here. Visit WanderMonster to view more Lunch Posts. If you liked this project, you may also like Daniel’s Daily Monster project.


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