
Video Contest on Migration

Global Voices has a post on a video contest for 9-25 year olds on the topic of migration.
Via Global Voices

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations is organizing the Plural+ video contest about building a more inclusive, tolerant society. The contest is open for any participant between the ages of 9 and 25 before September 30th, and what they have to do is produce a video between 1 to 5 minutes of length including titles and credits about migration, diversity and tolerance, and other similar topics.

On their site, they present the invitation:

Recognizing youth as powerful agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions, PLURAL+ is aimed at involving youth in addressing the key issues in their community related to migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesiveness. The practical contributions of young people – whether they are migrants, second-generation immigrants or non-migrants – can come not just by identifying constraints but also through promoting a climate of respect and appreciation for each other, helping to point the way towards a more enlightened world.

For more details, click here.Image Source: melingo wagamama


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